

Szőnyi Krisztina: Zsebek @ Herman Ottó Múzeum, Miskolc (CC BY-NC-SA)


Museums, Collections, Objects ...

There are many good reasons to visit museums. Attending an event or an exhibition are just two of these. Museums "show" and "stage", they "educate" and "stimulate". But there is much more to museums than these things: museums are places of safekeeping and research. These are two sides of a museum that are not often visible, yet they build the very core of a museum's visibility. It is the museum objects that are displayed, stored and studied. They are at the center of (almost) all work done in a museum. However, not all of the objects kept in a museum can be showcased at once. Many have to remain in storage, hidden from the visitors.

On this website museums showcase their objects in current exhibits and beyond. More than what can be shown in a museum's viewing space.

A random selection of objects can be found on the right. Click on them to learn more. More objects of interest can be found by using the search bar on the left.

Overviews and descriptions of the various objects, collections, and participating museums are accessible via the navigation bar at the top.


Who is actually using musdb? And what for?

In its most recently published survey of museums in Germany the Institute for Museum Research (Berlin) asked how many museums use controlled vocabularies and norm data. 416 of the 3059 museums who answered the additional question sheet with this particular question answered that they do indeed use norm data. The survey concerns German museums as of 2021.

On January 1st, 2021, 866 museums and similar institutions were registered with museum-digital in Germany. 688 of these were publicly listed, which means that they had recorded and published at least one object entry. The recording of object metadata in musdb is barely possible without using controlled vocabularies (in turn linked to the large norm data catalogues like the...

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On the timeline you can find objects sorted by the chronology of events linked to them


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