
Hedwig von Nordgau (922-993)

"Hedwig of Nordgau (c. 922 – after 993) was the wife of Siegfried of Luxembourg, first count of Luxembourg and founder of the country. They were married c. 950. She was of Saxon origin but her parentage is not known for sure. Some sources claim that she was connected to the family of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor. Described as "saintly" herself, Hedwig of Nordgau was the mother of Saint Cunigunde of Luxembourg, the seventh of eleven children from her marriage to Siegfried." - (Wikipedia (en) 08.09.2020)

Mit tudunk


Wife of Siegfried I. von Luxemburg
mother of Luxemburgi Kunigunda [daughter of], Siegfried I. von Luxemburg [father of]
mother of V. Henrik bajor herceg [son of], Siegfried I. von Luxemburg [father of]
mother of Giselbert von Moselgau [son of], Siegfried I. von Luxemburg [father of]
mother of Friedrich von Moselgau [son of], Siegfried I. von Luxemburg [father of]
mother of Dietrich II. von Metz [son of], Siegfried I. von Luxemburg [father of]

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