
Bernabò Visconti (1323-1385)

"Bernabò Visconti (* 1323; † 19. Dezember 1385 in Trezzo sull’Adda) aus der Familie Visconti war der älteste Sohn des Stefano Visconti. Bei der Aufteilung des Herrschaftsgebiets der Familie nach dem Tod des Kardinals Giovanni Visconti 1354 wurde ihm die Stadt Mailand zugesprochen." - (Wikipedia 22.10.2019)

Mit tudunk


died Castello di Trezzo sull’Adda 1385. december 18.
father of Maddalena Visconti [daughter of], Beatrice Regina della Scala [mother of]
father of Viridis Visconti [daughter of], Beatrice Regina della Scala [mother of]
father of Antonia Visconti [daughter of], Beatrice Regina della Scala [mother of]
father of Taddea Visconti [daughter of], Beatrice Regina della Scala [mother of]
father of Marco Visconti [son of], Beatrice Regina della Scala [mother of]
father of Rodolfo Visconti [son of], Beatrice Regina della Scala [mother of]
father of Carlo Visconti di Parma [son of], Beatrice Regina della Scala [mother of]
father of Caterina Visconti [daughter of], Beatrice Regina della Scala [mother of]
father of Agnese Visconti [daughter of], Beatrice Regina della Scala [mother of]
father of Visconti Valentina ciprusi királyné [daughter of], Beatrice Regina della Scala [mother of]
father of Lucia Visconti [daughter of], Beatrice Regina della Scala [mother of]
father of Elisabetta Visconti [daughter of], Beatrice Regina della Scala [mother of]
son of Stefano Visconti
was buried Milánó


bridegroom Beatrice Regina della Scala Verona (Olaszország) 1350. szeptember 27.

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