
Beatrice Regina della Scala (1331-1384)

"Beatrice Regina della Scala (1331 – 18 June 1384) was Lady of Milan by marriage to Bernabò Visconti, Lord of Milan, and politically active as the adviser of her spouse." - (Wikipedia (en) 18.11.2019)

Mit tudunk


was born Verona (Olaszország) 1331
died Milánó 1384. június 18.
daughter of Mastino II. della Scala [father of], Taddea da Carrara [mother of]
mother of Taddea Visconti [daughter of], Bernabò Visconti [father of]
mother of Viridis Visconti [daughter of], Bernabò Visconti [father of]
mother of Marco Visconti [son of], Bernabò Visconti [father of]
mother of Rodolfo Visconti [son of], Bernabò Visconti [father of]
mother of Carlo Visconti di Parma [son of], Bernabò Visconti [father of]
mother of Antonia Visconti [daughter of], Bernabò Visconti [father of]
mother of Caterina Visconti [daughter of], Bernabò Visconti [father of]
mother of Agnese Visconti [daughter of], Bernabò Visconti [father of]
mother of Maddalena Visconti [daughter of], Bernabò Visconti [father of]
mother of Visconti Valentina ciprusi királyné [daughter of], Bernabò Visconti [father of]
mother of Lucia Visconti [daughter of], Bernabò Visconti [father of]
mother of Elisabetta Visconti [daughter of], Bernabò Visconti [father of]
was buried Milánó


bride Bernabò Visconti Verona (Olaszország) 1350. szeptember 27.

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